We are a full service, Class 07/02 FFL/SOT; which means we can buy, sell and manufacture NFA firearms. So there’s that.
You can expect real life insights on unusual gear, and a good deal when we sell new or reviewed equipment. We can also order you stuff you want.
We’ll talk shop on guns, motorcycles, photography and other awesome topics. Think of us like that edgy friend who's into all kinds of stuff, knows a little about everything and is trying to talk you into a surf trip to Costa Rica. Except we also have real jobs.

We are a family owned FFL dealer in Scottsdale, AZ thats been in business for 7+ years. A family history of military and police service embedded the values of Honesty, Loyalty and Service in everything we do.
We formed this site to test cool stuff, share information and protect our 2nd amendment rights. We have a lot of experience and access to gear you're probably thinking about. We're professional but not tacticool, fanatical or wired too tight.

We don't believe in just talking about things, we believe in doing things.
Our primary focus is supporting military families, first responders, wildlife and the 2nd amendment. We don’t believe our causes are the only causes; but we put our money where our mouth is.
You’ll see on our “Hero Up” page the groups we personally support or are affiliated with and how you can join in. We believe in awareness and taking personal accountability to protect the things than matter.